Announcing the newest picture book by Phyllis Root, The Lost Forest. Available April 2019, University of Minnesota Press. Illustrations by Betsy Bowen. The Lost Forest tells the story of a lucky error that preserved 144 acres of old-growth red and white pine in...
The Lost Forest Saturday, May 4, 1 p.m.Zenith Bookstore, Duluth with Artist Betsy Bowen Saturday, May 11, 10 a.m.Scout and Morgan Books, Cambridge with Artist, Betsy Bowen Sunday, May 19, 5 p.m.Magers and Quinn, Mpls. Sunday, June 9, 10 a.m. Eloise Butler Wildflower...
This year, along with looking for native wildflowers and writing about native wildflowers, I get to talk about native wildflowers on the radio. How cool is that? MPR’s Morning Edition with Cathy Wurzer is broadcasting audio postcards from Kelly Povo and me based on...